2021 saw us welcome Gratsiela to our team, initially as an R&D Intern then as a Scientist specialising in sensor development. We sat down with Gratsiela to reflect on her recent experience.

You joined us as an Intern, with support from the Royal Society of Chemistry. What did you learn?
My internship with Kalium Health with was very interesting in its progression, starting with carrying out my own research and obtaining materials. It sped up quickly and the output of useful data increased rapidly. As with most things in life, the internship taught me about the need to be patient in order to achieve results!
Following your Internship you accepted a Scientist role with Kalium Health. What's it like being a key member of the team?
The team make the working days pass with ease and enjoyment. Everyone in the team is very chatty, friendly and has lots of different hobbies and interests, so there is always something to chat about or discuss during breaks, from bread making to cycling.
What three words do you feel describe the company?
Determined, attentive and positive! Determined to achieve our goals, extremely attentive towards team members and always maintaining a positive attitude when setbacks naturally occur.
What future technologies are you most excited about?
I enjoyed reading about Aluminium Ion batteries in Forbes recently. Battery technology demands leaps in R&D in order to fulfil future transportation needs and batteries made of the more abundant aluminium sound extremely attractive. The article praises the work of the Graphene Manufacturing Group for their particular use of graphene production in order to hold charge at a capacity never seen before. This resonates with my own work to develop sensor technology with low cost and transformational performance.
What do you find time for outside of work?
My favourite pastime is currently reading a good fantasy book, especially on my commute into work. Luckily others on the team are also big readers so there is always a book or film adaptation to catch up on.
Tell us a random fun fact about you!
I am Bulgarian and I really enjoy the mixture of international colleagues at Kalium. We can always have a chat about different national cuisines or historic events.
What advice do you have for those who want to do what you do?
Always make sure to check your spam emails! I nearly missed out on the best interview but I'm glad to have made it.